Sunday, May 27, 2007

As the knife digs deep

It's amazing how many different thoughts and feelings can go through your head in quite literally a single instant. Thoughts like:
Wow, this is going to be bad.
That feels funny.
Now what am I going to do?
This is a stupid way to get hurt.

I know this is random, it's just that so many people don't remember the instant traumatic things happen to them. They simply haven't trained their minds to function as something shocking is happening. Adrenaline, fear, and shock all cloud the mind's ability to react and remember. I know it sounds very silly to anyone who hasn't taken martial arts, but there's something to the idea of training yourself to watch a fist coming at your face and not react blindly, but choose an action to counter what's coming. And it's funny to look back and realize just how much your mind can accomplish while a blade is cutting you, even if it's only to watch and make commentary.

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