Friday, July 3, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking

I am becoming more and more convinced about some theories I have. And some recent goings-on have added relief to those thoughts.

I see too many people who invest their time, energy, and emotion into others' failure. From my perspective it's quite sad, but that's not to say that I don't understand where they're coming from. They've been hurt (whether actual or perceived doesn't matter) or abandoned or passed over, etc. and want retribution. And so they plot ways to make life hard for their "enemies." They keep tabs on them in hopes that they can rejoice in failure. And so often they dig themselves a deeper hole if and when that person succeeds instead of fails.

The problem is that others' pain is never enough to sate your pain.

The desire for revenge is just like lust, anger, materialism, or any emotion that is completely indulged - it is never-ending. More is never enough.

What happens is that the person succeeds and they grow more bitter. Or the person suffers a minor setback and it's not enough.

I can't live like that. I've grown tired of investing in other people's failure. I've grown tired of investing emotional energy in someone else's discontent. I'd much rather invest my time, energy, and emotion into my own success. I've been trying to think of people I know who have been consumed with negative emotions towards someone else and I can't think of one who went on the become a success in whatever it was they were doing. It takes too much time to try to plot the downfall of, think of the perfect snide comment for, or just to sit and stew over that person who annoyed you, or got your promotion, or didn't fulfill your every wish. Meanwhile, the person your angry with is too busy avoiding pitfalls, being nice, and proactively getting ahead in life. It's like the guy who got mad that I backed out of a parking space and got in the drive-thru ahead of him last night. He's cussing and fussing and pointing and mouthing off in his car and I'm getting a great laugh just looking at him!

That's one reason I think God tells us to forgive - to actually let go and cut the cord on our hate.

All of that negative energy spent on someone else (or yourself!) doesn't get anyone anywhere. It's just entrenchment. Besides, don't you believe that God has your best waiting for you? If God wanted you to get your every wish he wouldn't be looking out for your best interests, now would He? Maybe someone else got the promotion so that you wouldn't fail in that job. Maybe God has something else entirely in store for you. Maybe He knows you're not ready. Why prove that last point right by stewing about it for days, or weeks, or even longer? Why not swallow that pride and get to work improving yourself instead of trying to degrade someone else?

I do not think you can succeed if you are invested in others' failure. Your attention is divided. Let it go and move on to more important things. Wish them well and then you'll be able to rejoice when they succeed and work towards your own success.

Wouldn't you rather enjoy life than wallow in misery? Put on some music and sing - loudly. Watch your favorite movie. Go on a picnic. Smile. Pray.

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