Friday, September 11, 2009

busy, busy, busy

I haven't posted up here in over a month. And it's not because nothing is happening, it's just that this is one of the things I have trouble remembering to do. A lot of times I have plenty of thoughts I'd like to get down, but by the time I get home I've forgotten them.

So I'm going to be trying a couple new things. One is (perhaps) recording some video blogs. I have a small video machine and I have an iPhone 3G(S) that records video, so if I have a stray thought that's rant-worthy I'm going to try to record it.

I'm also trying to remember to take my notebook with me wherever I go so I can write. Now, you need to understand - I'm not a writer. I don't think I'm very good at it. My style of writing isn't especially poetic or lyrical or even Twitter-ific. When I blog I tend to get all my thoughts on a subject out as quickly as possible. As vulgar as this may sound, my type of writing should be described as cathartic, because it's more like vomiting via written word. There is just something I have to get out, and I type until it's out. I rarely edit what I write; that was something I had to learn in English class and I still did it sparingly. I just type (or write) until there's nothing left. It amazes me that some people seem (to me) to write as an artist doodles - they just do it for fun. I can't do that. So if I take my notebook with me, it's more to take notes on my thoughts and maybe record a certain phrase that I know will spur me to pontificate (I keep using that word lately, I don't know why. Although it could have something to do with the fact that I started wondering the other day if the etymology of it comes from "pontiff.").

Anyway, I do like to keep up with things that are going on and wish I did a better job. I also wish that Blogger had an iPhone app that made it much easier, like WordPress does. Then I would just blog from airplanes and airports and cars and lunch and all the interesting places that I've gotten to go to this year.

So here's to keeping up. Now I just need to start working out, too!

P.S. I may need to post on Detroit - went there a couple weeks ago and really thought it was interesting!

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